
  • According to the definitions of Copy Protection International Ltd, a “CUSTOMER” is a natural or legal person who has purchased a product or products of this company and uses the products and services in accordance with the terms and conditions between us to protect its products
  • According to the definitions of Copy Protection International Ltd, the “END USER” is a person who uses products that protected by the customer, or in other words, the end users are the customers of our customers
  • In all sections, the meaning of “COMPANY” is Copy Protection International Ltd
  1. Copy Protection International Ltd is not responsible for the cost of purchasing content, revenue, information accuracy, data and contents of protected products and published by all versions of the BALAS Player and the customer is responsible for all the mentioned cases
  2. The customer is responsible for all encryption operations
  3. End users support is the responsibility of the company or institution that producing and selling the content (customer). Copy Protection International Ltd is not obliged to support end users for free
  4. Accountability before the law in case of non-compliance with the laws of your residence country in providing protected content is the responsibility of the offending customer (natural or legal person). Copy Protection International Ltd is free from any responsibility in this regard
  5. Copy Protection International Ltd is not responsible for publishing content that the intellectual property rights do not belong to the customer
  6. Copy Protection International Ltd is not responsible for all problems due to disconnection of customer and end user to the customer portal, toolkit, applications and all services provided by the company, due to disruption or interruption of the global, national or personal Internet or telecommunications services
  7. The responsibility for maintaining and caring for the sold license number is solely with the end user
  8. Copy Protection International Ltd is not responsible for problems resulting from downloading the Balas Toolkit and all BALAS Player applications from any address and space other than the company's official website to the URL (www.copyprotection.net)
  9. In order to protect end user rights, the customer is responsible for renew the expired license of end users and provide a valid license to them. Therefore, Copy Protection International Ltd is not responsible for the sale of the expired license by the customer to the end user
  10. Copy Protection International is not responsible for any problems or issues arising from not having, expiration or blocking of the end user's license
  11. Copy Protection International is not responsible for problems resulting from uninstalling BALAS Player application, lost or stolen cell phone, laptop or computer, and losing information stored and inserted by the end user on this application
  12. The end user is responsible for any violations caused by not uninstalling the BALAS Player application from the cell phone, laptop or computer before selling or giving over them to others
  13. The customer is responsible for any delay in updating and not using the necessary security tools provided by the company caused any possible damages to the customer
  14. The customer is responsible for any delay in reading the product guide and any possible damages resulting from their negligence. Before starting the encryption, customer is obliged to read and watch the customer portal guide, the encryption guide and instructions of using the BALAS Player carefully
  15. The end user is responsible for any problems due to lack of attention to the instructions and product guides provided by Copy Protection International Ltd
  16. The nonobservance consequences of all above are the responsibilities of the customer and the end user and no responsibility will fall on Copy Protection International Ltd
  17. The disclaimer is set out in 17 clauses and are available to the customer and the end user